"Retired From Work, Not From The Union"

The Retiree Division is 11,200-strong, and growing. Local 237 retirees span six decades, ranging in age from 35 to 95. Just under 90 percent are men, most are married, and hundreds have young children. About 85 percent are in the New York area, but Local 237 retirees live in 48 states and Washington, DC, and in nearly a dozen countries and U.S. territories.

Local 237's Retiree Division exemplifies the Teamsters' lifelong commitment to members. The Division's programs and services reflect Local 237's philosophy: You may retire from work, but you never retire from the union.

Citywide and Housing Members

Local 237 retirees served the city of New York faithfully for years and helped build Local 237 into a powerful force. They are responsible for many of the benefits city employees enjoy today.

Retirees have a right to a secure, rewarding retirement. Programs, services, and activities sponsored by the Local 237 Retiree Division are union benefits to which all retired members in the Housing and Citywide Divisions are entitled.

Retirement Benefits for Long Island and Javits Members

Long Island Members

Jacob Javits Members

Retiree Division Events and Announcements

Pre-Retirement Online Seminar April 16 & 17

Spring Class Schedule & Sign Up

March Division Events

April Division Events

New Retiree Orientation 

Pre-Retirement Planning 

Retiree Division Staff

Julie Kobi

Edith Johnston
Deputy Director

Elaine Williams
Assistant Director

Luz Nieves Carty
Assistant to the Director

Shavon Banks

Noelia Quinones
Assistant Secretary


216 West 14 Street, 6th floor
New York, NY 10011
(212) 807-0555
Fax (212) 675-3566

E-mail retirees2@local237.org

Retiree News & Views

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