Housing Division Business Agents & Areas of Representation |
Jaleesa Moye
Business Agent, Housing Division
Area 2 Bronx South
- 1 Fordham Plaza
- Adams
- Bronx River
- Butler
- Claremont
- Forest/McKinley
- MAR/Jackson
- Melrose
- Millbrook
- Monroe
- Mitchell
- Morris
- Mott Haven
- Patterson
- Sotomayor
- St. Mary’s
- Webster
- Queensbridge North
- Queensbridge South
- Woodside
Ken Roper
Business Agent, Housing Division
Area 3 Manhattan North/Javits
- Clinton
- Douglas
- Drew Hamilton
- Dyckman
- East River
- Grant
- Jackie Robinson
- Jefferson
- Johnson
- Kings Tower/Grampion
- Lincoln
- Manhattanville
- Polo Grounds
- Rangel
- St. Nicholas
- Taft
- South Jamaica
- Baisley/International Towers
- Pomonok
Javits Center
- Part and Full-Time Cleaners, Set-Up
Shavelle Knox
Assistant Director, Housing Division
Area 4 Manhattan South
- 250 Broadway
- 90 Church
- Amsterdam
- Amsterdam Addition
- Baruch
- Campos/Elliott
- Carver
- Fulton
- Gompers
- Isaac/Holmes
- LaGuardia
- Lehman Village
- Riis
- Riis – TSD
- Rutgers
- Smith
- Strauss
- Vladeck
- Wald
- Wash/Lex
- Wise Towers/De Hostos
Kenneth Franco
Business Agent, Housing Division
Area 5 Brooklyn South/Staten Island
- Albany
- Brevoort
- Breukelen
- Brownsville
- Cypress
- Glenwood
- Howard
- Kingsborough
- Langston Hughes
- Marcus Garvey
- Ocean Hill/ Saratoga
- Pink
- Sethlow
- Sheepshead -Nostrand
- Stuyvesant Gardens
- Unity
- Van Dyke
- Woodson
Area 8 Coney Island/Staten Island
- Coney Island/Surfside
- Carey/Haber
- Marlboro
- O’Dwyer/Gravesend
- Hammel/Carlton
- Beach 41st / Ocean Bay
- Redfern
Vincent Lattimore
Business Agent, Housing Division
Area 6 Brooklyn West
- 787 Atlantic
- Bayview
- Borinquen
- Bushwick
- Cooper Park
- Farragut
- Gowanus
- Ingersoll
- Lafayette Gardens
- Marcy
- Red hook East
- Red Hook West
- Roosevelt
- Sumner
- Taylor Wythe
- Tompkins
- Tram Warehouse
- Whitman
- Wyckoff
Norberto Luna

Assistant Director, Housing Division
Area 7 Queens/LIC
Area 8 Coney Island/Staten Island
- Berry
- Mariners Harbor
- Richmond Terr./Cassidy
- South Beach/New Lane
- Stapleton
- Todt Hill
Area 1 North Bronx
- Pelham Pkwy
- Throggs Neck
- Sedgewick
- Ft. Independence
- Marble Hill
- Highbridge
- Castle Hill
- Soundview
- Eastchester
- Gun Hill
- Parkside